Over the last year, this blog has degenerated into something that's now bordering on black, with a negativity swirling around it that has literally begun to suck the life out of me. It seems that this began about the time Chris and I arrived in Michigan last year, and for the last few months, my posts, while historically accurate, were unforgiving in their observations & insights and becoming outright brutal and mean-spirited. My sincere (and unsolicited!) apologies to my sisters, Pam & Kim, as well as Andre, Cody, Chris, Wendie, Ray, and Karen. Be assured: I don't like that guy, either.
This hasn't felt right for a long time. I obviously need to unplug, and re-evaluate what it is I'm doing and why... and I need to do that without feeling I need to check in with you!
Thanks for your readership and support, I'll be back sometime...